What quality of handwritten sample I need for custom signature jewelry?
I receive the question about quality of a handwritten sample very often. Some of my customers don't have many options, they have a treasured piece of paper with loved ones writing and they are not sure if the final jewelry piece will look nicely.
Also, send me a written sample you do have, in 99% of the times I will be able to work with it, since I trace my designs from originals by hand. I'll continue interrupted lines and will work with faded images.
You'll get to approve the sketch before your necklace or bracelet is made, I will edit parts that you think need adjustment.

The custom silver necklace on this picture was designed after a note on sidewalk. While precision of the exact writing is based on a clear sample, even in the cases like this it is possible to create a handwritten necklace.
To see more of my custom writing jewelry, please visit this section of my online store.
With any questions about your future jewelry pieces please send me a message or use a contact form tag in a right corner.